المجموعة المتطورة من لغات البرمجة التي تساعدك في الإنجاز بسرعة وسهولة مع المواكبة للأنظمة الجديدة (الفيستا، ويندوز سيرفر 2008، الأوفس 2007).Visual C# 2008Visual C 2008Visual Basic 2008Visual Web Developer 2008بالإضافة إلى:Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5Microsoft Crystal Report Basic For Visual Studio 2008Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express EditionWhat is Visual Studio? The Microsoft Visual Studio development system is a suite of development tools designed to aid software developers—whether they are novices or seasoned professionals—face complex challenges and create innovative solutions. Visual Studio's role is to improve the process of development and make the work of achieving breakthroughs easier and more satisfyingAbout Visual StudioThe Microsoft Visual Studio development system is a suite of development tools designed to aid software developers—whether they are novices or seasoned professionals—face complex challenges and create innovative solutions. Asio sound driver 64 bit.
Every day, software developers break through tough problems to create software that makes a difference in the lives of others. Visual Studio's role is to improve the process of development to make the work of achieving those breakthroughs easier and more satisfying.How Visual Studio improves the process of development:ProductiveVisual Studio-branded tools continually deliver better ways for software developers to do more with less energy wasted on repetition and drudgery.
From efficient code editors, IntelliSense, Wizards, and multiple coding languages in one integrated development environment (IDE) to high-end application life-cycle management (ALM) products in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. New versions of Visual Studio keep bringing innovative tools to help developers focus on solving problems, not waste time on minutiae.IntegratedWith Visual Studio, software developers benefit from an integrated product experience that spans tools, servers, and services. Visual Studio products work well together—not just with one another, but also with other Microsoft software, such as Microsoft server products and the Microsoft Office system.ComprehensiveVisual Studio offers a choice of tools for all phases of software development—development, testing, deployment, integration, and management—and for every kind of developer—from the novice to the skilled professional. Visual Studio is also engineered to support development across all types of devices—PCs, servers, the Web, and mobile devices.ReliableVisual Studio is engineered and tested to be consistently dependable, secure, interoperable, and compatible.
Visual Studio offers an unmatched combination of security features, scalability, and interoperability. سأجرب و انا انزل الملف حاليا, حجمه 3.2 جيجا تقريبابالنسبة للـ 90 يوم تجريبية يمكن حلها عن طريق الاتي:أ-1) قم بتثبيت الـ MS VS '082) اعد التشغيل كما يطلب التنصيب3) اذهب الى لوحة التحكم و اختر ازالة البرامج4) اختر الـ MS VS '08 و هناك خيار بادخال رقم سري, قم الان بادخال رقمكالان البرنامج كاملب-هناك طريقة اخرى عن طريق تعديل ملف يدعى setup.sdb لكن لم اعثر على تفصيلاتها بشكل واف, بالمختصر يجب تعديل هذا الملف في الاسطوانة ليستبدل مكان الرقم التجريبيرقم اخر:PYHYP - WXB3B - B2CCM - V9DX9 - VDY8Tتورنت لمحبي TPB و مشتركيه.
Hi Saravanan,Thank you for your email and clarification.I've checked your log files and found the following error message:07/20/10,11:04:27 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Explorer - ENU:.ERRORLOG EVENT.:ERROR:The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2337.The most possible cause for the error code '2337' is that the installer might be corrupted. Have you tried to re-download the Team Explorer 2008 installer from official website? I've downloaded VS2008TeamExplorer.iso package.
The size of the installeris 387 MB (406,239,232 bytes).If the installer is completed downloaded but the problem still exists, could you please try to mount the ISO image to a virtual CD drive, using another 3rd party tool something like MSVCD, Daemon tools, and run the installation from here.Hope this helps! If you have any concern, please feel free to let me know.Best regards,Yichun Chenin ForumIf you have any feedback on our support, please contactPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.If you have any feedback, please tell us. Hi all,Saravanan and I have discussed this issue via email.Since the issue was very urgent for Saravanan, finally I would suggest Saravanan to contact Microsoft Product Support directly to discuss additional support options, by contacting us at 1-(800)936-5800 or by choosing one of the options listed atSince Saravanan is the MSDN subscriber, Saravanan can also contact the support by using your free support incidents:@Saravanan: If there is any solution or workaround here, please feel free to let me know. I really appreciate that advanced.Have a nice day!Best regards,Yichun Chenin ForumIf you have any feedback on our support, please contactPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.If you have any feedback, please tell us.