The First Law of Driver Updates is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Normally if everything is working you want to leave things as they are. The exception is that heavy-duty gamers will usually want to update their video and sound drivers to squeeze everylast bit of performance out of the hardware to get the fastest frame rates. If you're not one of those people, you don't need to update your drivers if there are no problems you are trying to solve.Never get drivers from Windows Update. Get them from:1.
The device mftr.' S website; OR2. The motherboard mftr.'
S website if hardware is onboard; OR3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM computer (HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the drivers.To find out what hardware is in your computer:1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific model machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers anyway)3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc Advisor or System Information for Windows.- Belarc Advisor- System Information for WindowsMS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
Hi,I would suggest you to follow the steps mentioned below.a. Make sure your installation Windows XP has been updated to service pack 1 or service pack 2 before continuing. Right click on “My computer” icon on desktop. Select “Properties General.If your system does not include service pack, please update from Microsoft's official website.
Connect to internet and launch “Internet Explorer”, click “Tools” on the tool bar and select “Windows Update”.b. Make sure that the “Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio” exists in “Device manager System devices”. Right click “My computer” icon on your desktop. Select “PropertiesHardware Device Manager. If the “UAA Bus Driver” does not exist, install it from the download link below to install on your system (for some reason, Microsoft does not post a download link for this update anywhere on their site).
Launch the sp32646 file youhave downloaded from HP's website (URL below) and reboot computer after the installation.c. If the “Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio” is working properly, there may be an “Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus” or 'Realtek High Definition Audio' behind“Sound, video and game controllers” or an “Unknown device” behind “Other devices”. Please disable any of these devices. You can skip this step if device mentioned earlier does not exist in “Device Manager”.d. Disable the “Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio” under 'System Devices'.e. After that, uninstall the “Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio' by right-clicking the device and select uninstall.f. When finish with the above steps, click the “Scan for hardware changes” button by clicking on the computer icon with magnifying glass toward the top of the page.
When the “Found newhardware wizard” is displayed, don't click the “Next” button. Instead, cancel the installation by clicking cancel.g. You can now install the audio driver from the driver file that you have downloaded from the internet (recommended, Realtek site below) or from your driver CD/ DVD.I would suggest you to download the drivers from the link mentioned below and check whether the issue is resolved.Thank you and Regards.Thahaseena MMicrosoft Answers Support Engineer.Visit our and let us know what you think.