
REQUIREMENTS. An internet connection (in case net setter data card require device drive then it can download them from internet directly). Disable Antivirus if you have any (I am using Eset AVAST which i have disabled during unlock procedure). You must have to download two files, 1) and 2). (7zip will be needed to unzip the cdma workshop files). Make sure that your modem is detected in your PC and you should know the PORT number on which your modem is connected. Insert any SIM in modem Excepting idea (don’t insert idea SIM).Steps to Unlock Huawei e1732 Idea Net Setter.


Disable Antivirus till the time unlocking is finished, because the crack of “CDMA Workshop v2.7” will be automatically deleted by your antivirus software. Insert Idea Net Setter modem in you PC/Laptop. Go to My Computer Properties Device Manager Ports (COM & LPT) HUAWEI Mobile Connect – 3G Application Interface (COMX), here X is the port number appear in your system. Note down the com port number in which your huawei e1732 idea net setter is connected. Now Open “ CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe“. Under the “Main” tab Select Port number(“COM Settings (AT mode)”) which you have get in step 3 and click on Connect button.

Click on Read button. Go to “ Security” tab Type “000000” in the blank box under SPC.

Click on SPC button Send button with Default (nvread) as SPC. Now Go to “Memory” tab and in NV Items section Click on Read button. A Conform box will appear, just click OK and you will see a NV Items Backup box. In the box “Last NV Item” type “9999” and Click OK. Save the file by giving a file name you like (i.e.

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Idea Net Setter Unlock

E1732Unlockfile etc.). Once the buffer reach 100% your file is saved successfully, now click OK on Information box. Minimize the “ CDMA Workshop v2.7.0.exe” application. Now Open E1732 Downgrader application and run it.

My wireless broadband connection is majorly flaking lately and I’ve been considering switching to another provider. But what to do with my Huawei E1550 USB modem which is SIM-locked to my current provider? Why, unlock it, of course!The following are the steps I took to unlock my modem. This might not work for YOU. I’m not responsible if you brick your modem. Bricking your modem is always a risk.

Butsince I’m planning to switch providers anyway, I figured had nothing to lose.First, you need to get an unlock code. The easiest way is to go to this site:the unlock code doesn’t work, you will need to download an alternative calculator:If that still doesn’t work, just google “Huawei E1150 unlock code” and, with some diligence, you’ll find plenty of unlock code calculators.Once you get the code, you need to send it over to the modem with this tool:Run it, detect the modem, select the COM port, unlock, enter your calculated unlock code, and press enter.


Your modem should now be unlocked.This entry was posted in and tagged,. Bookmark the. I have a Huawei E1550 Idea Netsetter USB Modem. So I took the following actions to unlock it.

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This could work for you. I dont guarantee it though.You need:a) Huawei Unlocker.b) Huawei Modem Code writer.c)HuaweifirmwareE1550StarHubUpdate11.608.13.02.00.B418.You can also download the dc-unlockerclient-1.00.0528. This will allow you to find out whether your E1550 is SIM Unlocked when you are done executing all the above steps.You should download the firmware and the other Software mentioned above.Run the Huawei Unlocker so that it produces the ‘Unlock Code’ and the ‘Flash Code ‘.

You need the Flash Code. Copy Paste both this data somewhere.Run the Firmware Software. It will ask for the ‘ Flash Code ‘ This will overwrite the existing Firmware within the E1550.Now you could remove the SIM card that was installed in the Data Modem.Now you should run the Code-writer and input the 8 digit Unlock code. Now you simply hit ‘unlock the Modem’ button. If you don’t see any error in the first instance itself, I think you should be OK.This is it your done. It will not display anything else( it did not produce any message that the modem is unlocked or not). It will simple sit there.

Now you can test your modem by trying other SIM cards in it.Please do remember that you have to select your AP and Profile names accordingly.