
I am a paramedic and decided to buy a GPS unit. I did read some reviews on the Navigon from Amazon and thought it would be a good unit to purchase. I regret to say that I’m returning my 2120Max that I bought this Christmas. I read on many blogs and did my research before committing to this brand and now I’m disappointed.


I’ll keep this short:– it froze on me and I had to reset– it does not seem to charge fully and definitely did not last for 4hrs– entering new destination sometimes got difficult and I need to abort and retry.– not easy to find restaurants and shopsBTW. I’m a real customer and I really thought Navigon was a good value regardless of the critics. Brent, I was just wondering if you have given up on this GPS unit why do you continually come back to this website to bash it? Have you done any of the updates on your unit?

Oh thats right you dont have one anymore!Did you ever use the traffic feature or the fresh maps? 3 years of quarterly updates (12)at retail cost through the company for maps is about 1/3rd the pice thay are for ONE pioneer update. Most of the negatives you talk about have been addressed by Navigon. How long has garmin been in the game and been able to tweek their units? You should let other people give this unit and Navigon itself a chance. Thats a great question Gary.

I am trying to save others from making the mistake I did. That and the fact it sends me comments automatically now. I rarely see them in stores anymore. If they have improved great! It was much needed. They still don’t include Canadian maps, nor will they make them available to you. Why wouldn’t they make their updates less money, they need something to entice new buyers.

I choose to stick with a proven product. Maybe someday they will be as good as some others out there. But until then, they are not a consideration for me, and I hope others learn from my mistake of purchasing one. I’m going to add my 5 cents. If you feel you made a mistake in purchasing your Navigon, by all means go buy another.

And also while you are trying to discourage others from buying the Navigon, I think I’ll encourage them. While my 2100 Max hasn’t been 100% perfect every single time, it is by far better than the Nav unit that was in my Acura TL.

I found the voice to be pleasant and understandable unless the volume was cranked up too high. I can also read the text – when I can’t read it, it’s probably due to the fact I’m not wearing my glasses, which I need to read most things. GPS included. As far as routing, I’ve traveled from the West Coast to the East Coast including the DC area, Baltimore, Philly, etc.

Some of the more congested areas, and the 2100 Max performed beautifully. I am sorry you are so upset with the Navigon people, but like most things that can be bought, some people just aren’t happy and don’t have a pleasant experience. While you unfortunately had that, and I’m sorry for your frustration, mine has been quite the opposite. I highly recommend the Navigon unit to anyone. Don’t even get me started on the traffic feature – man that thing rocks!Hope you find the perfect GPS in your travels amigo. This is a great unit and if bought at Amazon.com they offer 2 year Freshmaps and Lifetime Traffic.First of all 15% restocking fee is to charge morons who dont know how to use stuff and then return it with damaged packaging that has to be sent back to the manufacturer. It cost at least $20 for shipping to do this.Second if you did your research FIRST then you would have know about the canadian map problem and small text.

If you have fat fingers then either your a freak or your a fat ass lazy bastard that needs to work out. I just purchased FreshMaps and downloaded the Q1 20009 updates from Navigon. For some reason I couldnt get the FreshMaps application to read the SD card in my card reader, so I borrowed a USB to microUSB cable from a friend. That’s pretty cool that there isn’t a proprietary cable as this was his cell phone charge/synch cable.I started the 1+ Gigabyte download at 9:25 a.m.

And the product was fully downloaded and kicked off the extraction at 9:38 a.m. 13 minutes to download. I do have a kinda fast connection in case you’re wondering. My point here is that if there is a bottleneck, it’s not from the Navigon servers. The download then extracted and installed. The entire process was finished by 10:50.


Not bad for an upgrade that large.A side note, I had to call Navigon customer support because I couldnt activate FreshMaps. Support responded promptly, courteously and helped me realize that I really do need to wear my glasses and that my code didnt start with an ‘M’, but an ‘N’.

(that’s the price of getting old!!)I’ve notice immediately that the interface is different. The support guy told me that in the FreshMaps upgrade, I would receive the upgrade from MN6 to MN7. I verified that I am running MN7.3 now.

First thoughts? It’s definitely faster. The UI (user interface) is better. Keying in an address (city, street, address) is faster.

POI searches are faster and now it includes my WALMART!!! (I actually hate Wal-Mart, but could never figure out why it wasnt a POI.) So far, I’m very excited and happy with the upgrade. I loved my 2100 Max before that, and now I love it more. I’ll post in the forum if there are any route calc improvements and if that mysterious U-turn issue has been resolved.Hope this helps someone.Robert. How do you have your routs set up?

Fastest, Optimum, Or Shortest distance? That left turn you keep avoiding because you KNOW how to get home may actually get you home sooner.You should try it out when you have some time to kill. You can also change the rout calculations as mentioned above to see if it gives you the rout you normally travel. I was hesitant to try a rout my 2100 was suggesting then one day I finally tried the rout and saved 5min. On my daily trip. Have fun with it and try new routs.

Well, have had the 2100 max for about a week and am finding out how much I don’t know about these things, but I am truly enjoying this gadget. It is helping me get around even in a small town in areas that I normally have no idea of where I am going. In the big city, I expect to see a begger difference and more helpful.

I must go to Pitt. PA at times and there it will come in handy. WHen I get the freshmap installed, I will let you all know what differences that it makes.Thanks to all who have tried to help me. Have had the 2100 max for about a month, and am delighted with it. I replaced a Tom Tom One XLS which was replaced by Tom Tom four times without solving the voice problem. While I thought the Tom Tom was a very good unit, the 2100 max is far superior both in display and voice directions.

The Reality View and Lane Assistant are outstanding.I wish that it had more POIs (yes, I bought the Zagat add-on,) but it is still wasy to enter data. I have no trouble using the keypad, and I do have large hands.Having free traffic, and inexpensive map updates (Tom Tom was $100 for a single update) is just icing on the cake.Just one cavil. I really wish it had automatic day/night display switching.You won’t be disappointed with this unit. I went through the options, but must have missed that one. Nice feature by Navigon. The more I use my unit with the Q12009 update, the more please I am.

I know it’s still not a perfect unit, but thanks to this website, we don’t have to live under the illusion that there is such a thing as a perfect GPS. All I know is I’m very happy with my PND. The biggest improvement for me was in the address entering.

It used to be sort of time consuming, but now it’s much more responsive. Oh yeah, I went out to my truck last night, just to see the automatice day/night adjustment.

Worked like a champ! Thanks again for the tip!I also just realized there is now a Route Planning utility in the Q12009. П™‚ I’m loving this! I haven’t had hands on the 2200/T, but I use the heck out of my 2100 max and I am honestly very pleased with it. I’m pretty much a techie/geek so I know crappy technology when I see it and I also know good technology.

The latest update provided some very much needed User Interface improvements as well as routing improvements (although it, like ALL GPS’s are not perfect). The graphics are great, the traffice is also very good. The one thing it doesn’t have that I wish it did was bluetooth. You get information on POI’s with phone numbers, but can’t call from the unit.

I knew that however when I purchased it so no surprises. I think we all take a risk when buying electronics. I’ve had bad luck with great namebrands and good luck with not so popular namebrands, but for my opinion, the Navigon 2100 max is a great GPS and I would, given the opportunity would buy it again without hesitation.pHope this helps – sorry for the crappy typing – I’m in a cast!Robert. After updating on navigon fresh we had a fatal applicationwe error.on contacting support we had to send the unit back to germany.the sole reason for getting this product is we are going on a 3 month tour of europe and this one had greece included.we have had very poor service from support ie.3days to reply to emails, phones calls not returned, and now a week before our vacation we are told the repair will take 3weeks.

We have offered to pay for a 24hr courier service but this has been refused. When it worked it was very good but when it goes wrong forget it.

I just have to respond to some of the reviews. I have noticed the whatever the product, Garmin, Magelleon or Navigon a lot of you folks do not like them. It seems as though most everyone who writes a review receives a defective unit. If so deal with customer service. I have and not found any problems with any service reps.

Do not be on a one crusade to tell everyone not to buy a certain product, if you think that the product is that bad, go and shut them down so no one will be able to buy such a bad product.I own a Garmin, a Magelleon and just received a refurbished Navagon. They all have their faults and good points,I buy the lower end of the units since I do not need all the extras MP3 etc. I used to drive between 80-90,000 miles per year, western U.S. And into Canada. I have have had no problem with any unit. Here is what I look for:Multiple destinations: can i plan a route with many stops?Instant location: can I get precise location to tell a service truck exactly where I am?Text to speech: Not important, since a street sign will most likely be on the other side of the street or covered up by trees or missing.

Will the GPS give a turn in feet instead of 10ths of a mile.Right or Left: Will it give you info to be in certain lane when on a surface street to enter a freeway. Will it notify you if the destination is on the right or left.Traffic: not important, you can use the local radio stations for free if in a metro city. I like XM radio the best. I do go into San Francisco and Los Angeles and the radio works for me.Screen display: I like the Navigon the best.Voice: none of them are any good. The pronunciation is funny keeps me laughing, no big deal.You must remember, the GPS is only good for 80% and you must use common sense the other 20%. All of theme have tried to take me down some roads it should not have.Maps: Even if some of mine are outdated, I have never had a problem, I usually go to well established destinations and I may not update for quite a while if ever. Those of you that complain about outdated maps, go work for the map making companies and make sure you get every change in the U.S.

That happens.So if your GPS from xyz co. Is not good, for you that is, buy one from abc co., and I am sure a lot people will not like that one either, nobody is happy. Buy what you can afford and live with it. I agree with you Marty.

The whole “DO NOT BUY THE 2100 Max!!!” is just a little too dramatic and ignorant for me. Nothing or no one is perfect. We just do the best we can – we buy products that best fit our needs and hopefully are happy. If not, like you said, take it back and get another product. I suppose that there are people who could purchase 40 bazillion PND’s and never be happy.

I know people like that – it’s a sad state of affairs.My 2100 max has steered me down a wrong road or two, but I thank God he gave me a little common sense to figure that out. Also when I look in the mirror and think about all my mistakes I’ve made, it makes me a little more forgiving when stuff I own doesn’t work the way I want it to. I can imagine my dad said that about me more than a few time. П™‚Thanks for your post & take care! Not everybody in the world likes the same things.

That’s why there’s Garmin, Navigon, etc. (Chacun a son gout.)Perfection is almost impossible to achieve. If it meets your needs, then it’s perfect for you.My 2100 max has gotten me around in an area I’m unfamiliar with and gotten me past traffic tie-ups nicely.

It meets MY needs, so I’ll continue to suggest that others might like it too.Ranting and raving that something is a piece of junk solves nothing. Far better to itemize the items that are not to your liking, and explain why. It might be instructive to another potential purchaser.Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Bought the 2100Max due to reviews here – and comparing the Garmin and other GPS units to Navigon. That said, bought the unit refurbished and it seems like new.Worked out of the box.

I’m new to GPS – learned how to use it on the fly.Note: input addresses as your computer would.2nd Street has no space between the “2” and the “nd.”Search Destination takes time to make the map more distant.Recalculating routes is fast. And works well.Routes calculated are not always what I take – for work I often need to take scenic routes vs industrial routes – which may be slightly quicker.Charging is fast. Navigation looks great!!The Navigon needs a well written “story-board” outline on how to use it. Thinking of writing this after I get to know it better.Bought 2 yr FreshMaps – waiting for delivery. I have 6.5.2 software and I see FreshMaps gives you 7.3.Tech service answered and were very helpful.Overall: glad I bought a great GPS!!!! Had pblms downloading FreshMaps to Navigon 2100 Max.

Day / night SwitchingJust press the creen and hit the Day / night icon.BTW I like the idea of controlling when I want the screen to change from day to night. It’s a little effort.

This unit has 007 / James Bond written all over it!!!For 3D – I turn off all street names and POI. Clutters the screen. Keep street names for 2D.Search Destination is better. Zoom out works well.

This indicates my 2100 Max device is ok and that I had a software pblm before (had trouble zooming w/ earlier software).Bottom Line: Navigon 2100 Max has an intelligent / cool device factor: their USA marketing should reflect this!!Having this GPS in an upcoming james Bond / Bourne Identity film will help give it a boost for sure.I put it to the left of the steering wheel on the windshield. Looks like a F20 fighter pilot standing still.Works that way as well.

My Navigon 2100max was my first gps. Too bad this gps does not work in my 08 highlandar for some odd reasons. It takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes to acquires satellites, but it works just fine in my 01 avalon. The turn direction is very clear as it tells you where and when exactly to turn. Also, the lane assistance is awesome.

It comes on automatically goes off automatically. The only thing I wish it has it more POS’s. Although that might be fixed now with the 2009 update.Anyhow, I recently bought a garmin 775t to use in my 08 highlander. The garmin 775t works just fine in my highlander, and of course with a lot more POSs but when it comes to directions, lane assistance, interface and streets pronouciation, the garmin 775t does not even come close to the Navigon 2100max. I actually have the opposite experience, overall. I bought a Navigon 2100 when it first came out. I paid full retail price for it, and had to pay separately to activate the traffic and the Zagat guide.

But even after spending that much for it, it was worth the money. The competition doesn’t offer anything like 2 years worth of quarterly map upgrades for one low price, and most units in the Navigon’s price range didn’t even have traffic capabilities at all, when I bought it.I bought a 2nd., refurbished, 2100max, last month, because my first 2100 has been so useful. (I have a second vehicle, so now I don’t have to juggle it between cars all the time.) It, too, has been well worth the $90 or so I paid for it.People claiming their unit “broke” often just needed to do a hard reset on it (usually done by sticking a straightened paper clip into a little hole in the back of the unit). Like many inexpensive GPS units, Navigons run an embedded Windows operating system, and Windows DOES crash every so often. I have the 7200 and the 2100 max.

The 7200 got the Q2 09 update first which updated without issues. The 2100 max update did not go smooth. I got boot up error every time. I did the upgrade twice (after restoring from backup) and same result with even two different SD cards. I eventually emptied one SD card and loaded the Q2 09 from scratch. That process solved my issue.

I did lose my settings and previous history. Comparing the maps and POI on with my 7200, I noticed that the 2100 max still has some Q1 maps.

The 2100 max even shows a choice of selecting Q1 or Q2 maps. Since I have the 7200, I just completely replaced the map and poi folders on the 2100 with the ones I have on the 7200. Now the 2100 max only shows Q2 maps. Can somebody please help me. I am going to Florida on the 18th August 2009. I have a Navigon 2100 Max, which I am very pleased with so far in the UK.I am trying to take this with me but need to find a supply for SD Card containing North America that I can slot into my unit.The Navigon Website does not even give me the opportunity to download onto a fresh blank SD card.I have found a supply of Garmin SD USA cards but would they work in my Navigon unit???Time is short, please help!!!Thanks Ian.

My Navigon died on me yesterday. Had to use my iPhone to get back home, missed few exits, horrible experience.Any idea how to totally get to factory settings?

I once tried those hacks but then reverted back to official software. It some times totally dies, it doesn’t wake even while charging. The only resort is the reset button and to press it you need a paperclip which you obviously don’t carry one in the car at all times! I am considering selling it and buying iPhone App (Navigon or TomTom). I got the map updates too, such a waste of money, not a reliable GPS ðŸ™x81. I purchased the Navogon 2100 Max in August and the darn thing worked until I discovered I could update my device online.

As soon as I updated the device, the darn thing locked me out of the device. I’ve called the 800 number I’m sure 10 times and can only speak with a computer that gives you nothing but redundant and useless information as to what to do in order to get the device working and or repaired. I’ve sent five e-mails to with no response even though I was promised a response within 24 hours. I’ve also called the 800-800-8300 and requested assistance and still got the run around.Trust me!

This Navigon 2100 Max is a piece of JUNK and should be avoided by all means. DO PURCHASE IT!

If it breaks you may not get your money back.If anyone out there has had any success, please let me know; I haven’t. Ben, the update did not crash. The GPS is working properly and faster. I replaced the 2GB SD Card that came with the GPS with a new 4GB SDHC Card and downloaded the Q32010 Update onto that new card.I purchased this GPS a little over a year ago but never updated the maps. I purchased the FreshMaps update from Ebay. So far, this unit has been phenomenal and I have yet to have issues with it.

I will drive around today and see if the Lifetime Traffic is still on the system.If anyone else is having this issue about the Lifetime Traffic, please let me know.

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