. Reduce the Output File Size. In order to reduce the output file size, please uncheck the box of 'Fill TTF Text' in step 4/5.If a drawing contains True type fonts, as the texts increasing, the output PDF file size will be enlargement.This is because characters carry font styles and solid entities. It is the solid entities cause the enlargement of the output file size.Here is the character looks like in a DWG drawing:When convert the drawing to a PDF, if you would like to get a smaller size of the PDF, please unselect 'Fill TTF Text', and the converted texts will only preserve the font style but the solid entities will lost. As a result, the converted PDF file size will be much smaller and the process of the conversion will take less time.Here is the character looks like in a converted PDF:However, if you leave the box checked in step 4, you can still get the filled texts in a converted PDF.
Add Watermark. Add customized watermarks (pro version only)To add watermark, please check the 'Add Watermark' box and click on the 'Set Watermark' button. Open or save a watermark: Click on the 'open' or 'save' button to open an existing watermark or save the current watermark in a specific path and name. Insert test watermark: You can freely add texts in watermark and set text fonts, height, rotation, alignment and position on layouts. Insert image watermark: Add company logo or other images as watermark to preserve your copies of intellectual drawings.Step 5Click on the button 'Convert Now', to finish the conversionThe conversion will take a few seconds, when it is complete, you may view the created PDF by clicking 'Open File/Folder'. Otherwise, click 'Cancel' to exit. Reference:System Requirements:OS:Compatible with XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10RAM: 1024MB or greater, executable program takes 27Mb, loaded with a drawing file will take more RAM depends on the size of drawing file.HD: 40MB free hard drive spaces to installTechnical Support:Free technical support is available to all customers, any question please contact:.Update:You’ll enjoy one year free update service since you buy the software.
After expiry, you can continue using the software but no more updates will be available unless you purchase.