Click Here to Show the Entire ArticleFor more information on Check Point releases see:,.For more information on R77.20, see the,. You can also visit our or any other to ask questions and get answers from technical peers and Support experts.R77.20 downloads for users running Gaia OSUse in the Gaia Portal to quickly and easily update Check Point products.
Offline mode CPUSE packages are available in the CPUSE Offline Packages table. For R75.4x / R75.40VS / R76 / R77.x, download and install the.
Notes:. In order to download some of the packages you will need to have a. There is no OS upgrade or change option in upgrade from R77. Revision History. For more information on Check Point releases see:,.
For more information on R77.20, see the,. You can also visit our or any other to ask questions and get answers from technical peers and Support experts.R77.20 downloads for users running Gaia OSto view details of Gaia Downloads. There is no OS change option in upgrade from R77 and R77.10. Only upgrade from Gaia to Gaia is see images for other platforms.for upgrade wizard.See.What's New in R77.20:R77.20 delivers the latest with additional support for existing features:.
VSX stability fixes and enhancements. MultiCore support for SSL - improved performance for portals (including Mobile Access) and SSL Network Extender. See for more information. New upgrade procedure for clusters, Connectivity Upgrade, which maintains connectivity when you upgrade from R76 and R75.40VS, to R77.20.
Threat Prevention detection and functionality enhancements:. Scan files that are passing on CIFS (see ). Anti-Spam support in MTA. Anti-Virus support for links inside emails. Threat Emulation support in VSX.
Modicon pl7 micro driver. DHCP simplified configuration and stability fixes. See.
IPsec VPN enhancements, including: MSS adjustments, fragmentation handling, and 3rd party connectivity. For more enhancements, see. SNMP: Quality improvements and. Routing stability fixes and enhancements. See. The R77.20 Add-on brings more enhancements to R77.20.
Installing and UninstallingYou can deploy Security Gateway Virtual Edition on your ESX hosts from an OVF template or from an ISO.If you choose to install from an OVF template, the operating system for the VM is installed and configured for typical deployment. This option is faster.If you choose to create a new Virtual Machine, you install the Security Gateway from the Check Point ISO. You install the operating system and then run the First Time Configuration Wizard.