The Ultimate Guide to Citing Anything in Chicago Style Everything you ever needed to know about citing sources from the Chicago Manual of Style The Basics of Citing in Chicago StyleThe Chicago Manual of Style, currently in its 16th edition, was created to help researchers properly cite their sources. There are two types of referencing styles in Chicago: 1) Notes and Bibliography and 2) Author-Date.This guide displays the Notes and Bibliography style of referencing and is not associated with the official publishers of the style.Need help with other styles?
Our thorough and guides are available for all of your writing and citing needs! Creating a Bibliography in Chicago StyleThe bibliography is a list of all the sources used in the paper. The list includes the important publication details of the sources.
Last name, First name. 'Chapter Title.' In Book Title, edited by First Name Last Name, page range. Publication Place: Publisher, Year.Looking for a simple and easy-to-use Chicago citation maker? Head to our homepage and start building your Chicago format references with ease! Example of Chicago Citation for Chapters in a BookIn the footnotes and endnotes:.
Laura Aymerich-Franch and Maddalena Fedele, 'Student's Privacy Concerns on the Use of Social Media in Higher Education,' in Cutting-Edge Technologies and Social Media Use in Higher Education, ed. Vledlena Benson and Stephanie Morgan (Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2014), 35-36.In the bibliography. Aymerich-Franch, Laura, and Maddalena Fedele. 'Student's Privacy Concerns on the Use of Social Media in Higher Education.' In Cutting-Edge Technologies and Social Media Use in Higher Education, edited by Vledlena Benson and Stephanie Morgan, 35-36. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2014. How to Cite Online E-books in Chicago StyleWhen citing e-books, include the URL or the name of the database.
The URL or database name should be the last part of the citation.In the footnotes and endnotes:. First name Last name, Title of e-book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page range, URL, Database Name.In the bibliography. Baker, Michael J.
The Marketing Book. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. You understand how to structure your references easily, thanks to this thorough guide, and are looking for help with the written portion of your paper, look no further! There are tons of Citation Machine grammar guides to help you write with ease. Here’s just one of our many useful pages:.
How to Cite E-books in Chicago Style E-books from a Kindle or E-book ReaderIf there aren’t any clearly labeled page numbers, use chapter numbers or titles, section numbers or titles, or any other established numbering system in the text. It’s also acceptable to omit page information from Chicago style citations if there aren’t clearly labeled page numbers.In the footnotes and endnotes:.
First name Last name, Title of the Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page range, Type of E-readerIn the bibliography. O'Brien, Damien, and Brian Fitzgerald, 'Digital Copyright Law in a YouTube World.' Internet Law Bulletin 9, no. 6 (2007): 71-74.Don’t forget, Citation Machine allows you to quickly and accurately.If you’re come this far and you’re still searching for in-text citation Chicago information, remember, this style uses footnotes and endnotes! Scroll up to find out more! How to Cite Online or Database Journals in Chicago StyleIn the footnotes and endnotes:. First name Last name, 'Article Title,' Journal Title Volume Number, Issue No.(Year): Page range.
URL or Name of Database.In the bibliography. Schreiber, Trine.
'Conceptualizing Students’ Written Assignments in the Context of Information Literacy and Schatzki’s Practice Theory.' Journal of Documentation 70, no.
3 (2014): 346-363. Citation Machine Chicago citation generator helps you create your references in just a few clicks.
Give it a whirl and watch the magic unfold! How to Cite Print Magazines in Chicago StyleIn the footnotes and endnotes:. First name Last name, 'Article Title,' Magazine Title, Full Date, page range.In the bibliography.
Donahue, Bill. “King of the Mountains.” Backpacker, September/October 2019.
How to Cite a Web Page in Chicago StyleCreating a footnote, endnote, or bibliographic information for web content isn’t always necessary. It’s acceptable to simply mention the source in the written portion of the paper. Last name, First name or Organization Name.
'Title of Article or Page.' Title of Website. Date published or last modified or accessed. URL.Figuring out how to style web references can be tricky, but thanks to our Chicago citation machine, we’ve made the whole process much easier for you. Example of Chicago Citation for a Web PageIn the footnotes and endnotes:.
Sujan Patel, '15 Must-have Marketing Tools for 2015,' Entrepreneur, January 12, 2015. The bibliography. Patel, Sujan.
“15 Must-have Marketing Tools for 2015.” Entrepreneur. January 12, 2015. Forget, Citation Machine allows you to generate Chicago citations for websites quickly and accurately. How to Cite The Bible or Religious Texts in Chicago StyleBible references are often displayed in the text of a paper (similar to web content) or in footnotes and endnotes. Formal bible references in bibliographies are not necessary.In the footnotes and endnotes:. Abbreviated Title of Book, Chapter:Verse (Edition).Example of Chicago Citation for BibleIn the footnotes and endnotes:. 2 Cor.
11:7 (New Standard Version).If you’re looking for other resources to help you with the written portion of your paper, we have quite a few handy grammar guides. Two of our favorites? How to Cite Blogs in Chicago Style.According to the 17th edition of the manual, blogs are not typically cited in bibliographies. They are generally cited in the footnotes/endnotes section. Of course, if the writer or professor prefers a full bibliographic reference, one can be created.Style notes and bibliographic references the same way as you would an online newspaper, but include (blog) in parentheses immediately following the title of the blog.In the footnotes and endnotes:.
First name Last name, 'Title of Blog Post,' Title of Blog (blog), Title of Larger Blog, if part of a larger one, Month Day Year of post, URL.In the bibliography. Miller, Shannon.
'Valentine Ideas Using Digital Tools, Hands, Creativity, and a Little Love for Padlet.' The Library Voice, January 20, 2016.
Style bibliographies aren’t as complicated as they seem, especially when you have a generator to do the work for you. Head to our homepage and try ours out! How to Cite TV Broadcasts in Chicago StyleIn the footnotes and endnotes:. Title of Series, episode number, “Title of Episode,” directed by First Name Last Name, written by First Name Last Name, featuring First Names Last Names of actors, aired Month Day, Year, on Station Name, URL.In the bibliography.
Myerson, Craig. “Historical Markings in New Castle, Delaware.” Power-point presentation presented at The University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 18, 2019. How to Cite Court or Legal Cases in Chicago StyleThe 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style recommends referring to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, or the ALWD Guide to Legal Citation to learn how to create court or legal references. S everest ultimate edition serial number.
Both guides are widely used by those in legal fields and have become the standard for referencing legal cases.The examples below reflect the format found in The Bluebook.Legal cases are rarely documented in bibliographies, usually only in notes. Plaintiff v. Defendant, Court Case Number (Abbreviated Name of the Court. Year).Example of Chicago Citation for Legal Cases. Michael Clum v. Jackson National Life Insurance Co., 10-000126-CL (Ingham Cty. How to Cite Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries in Chicago StyleAccording to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, well-known reference books, including major dictionaries and encyclopedias, are normally cited in notes rather than bibliographies.
Lesser known reference books can be cited in the bibliography.The abbreviation 's.v.' Means sub verbo, which is Latin for 'under the word.'
Chicago style formatting in the footnotes and endnotes:. Name of dictionary or encyclopedia, Numbered ed.
“term.”If found online:. Name of dictionary or encyclopedia, s.v. 'term,' accessed Month Day Year, url.In the bibliography. Department of Justice. Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Annual Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2014.
Washington, DC, 2014. How to Cite Interviews in Chicago StylePublished Interviews are treated in Chicago format style like an article in a magazine or a newspaper. Use one of those formats to cite your interview. How to Cite an E-mail in Chicago StyleAccording to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, personal communications, such as letters, e-mails, text messages, and phone calls are usually referenced in the footnotes and endnotes or explained in the text of the paper. They are rarely listed in the Chicago style bibliography. In addition, an e-mail address belonging to an individual should be omitted, unless given permission by its owner. Individual's First name Last name, type of communication, Month Day Year of correspondence.Example of Chicago Citation for E-mail.
Michele Kirschenbaum, e-mail message to author, January 18, 2016.How to Cite Musical Recordings in Chicago StyleIn the footnotes and endnotes:'Title of Song,' Year of recording date, Platform, track number on Artist’s Name, Album Title, Producer, Year.In the bibliography. Last Name, First Name.
Title of Image. Location, State, URL. Example of Chicago Citation for Photographs and ImagesIn the footnotes and endnotes:Jerome Liebling, May Day, New York, 1948, photograph, The Jewish Museum, New York.Liebling, Chris. May Day, New York. The Jewish Museum, New York. How to Cite Live Performances in Chicago StyleSince most live performances are not retrievable by the reader, simply refer to them in the text of the paper or in the notes, and omit it from the bibliography.
If it’s a recorded performance, follow the Chicago style format for musical recordings.In the footnotes and endnotes:Title of Play, music and lyrics by First Name Last Name, dir. First Name Last name, chor. Name of Theatre, City, State Abbrev, Date of Live Performance.
Example of Chicago Citation for Live PerformancesIn the footnotes and endnotes:The Lion King, Julie Taymor, dir. Garth Fagan, chor. Minskoff Theatre, New York, NY, August 8, 2019.
How to Cite Podcasts in Chicago StyleWhen citing podcasts in Chicago Style, treat it as an article in a periodical or a chapter in a book. If found online, include the url. How to Cite Poems in Chicago StyleWhen citing poems in Chicago Style, cite it as you would a chapter in a book. How to Cite Presentations and Lectures in Chicago StyleFollow the same guidelines as in the “Conference Papers” section above. How to Cite Sheet Music in Chicago StyleAccording to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, cite sheet music the same way as you cite books.Once you’ve styled each and every reference, take a minute to run your paper through our.
It’s the perfect go-to resource when you’re in need of another set of eyes to scan your paper!